The Nephrologist

Survival in today’s complex environment requires information and tools that assist the nephrologist with decision making. HDS offers the nephrologist the critical components necessary to be successful in these turbulent times.

Nephrology Practice Overviews

Through a definitive process HDS can provide the nephrologist with the information and toolsnecessary to accurately assess the opportunities and threats within his/her market, identifythe strengths and weaknesses of the operations of the practice, and if applicable, developan alternative business model for the delivery of health care. HDS staff working in conjunctionwith the nephrologist(s) and the office staff can provide the following:


  • Practice task analysis
  • Cost analysis and financial modeling
  • Identify opportunities to optimize  “appropriate” reimbursement under  fee-for-service
  • Guidance in designing information systems
  • Re-engineering the delivery of services
  • Assistance in negotiating payer contracts


There are various points in the life of a business where it is important to obtain an objective business valuation. Examples include adding a partner, forming a joint venture, retirement or death of a partner. HDS is an objective resource experienced at providing business valuations for nephrology practices and dialysis facilities.


HDS utilizes a comprehensive financial pro-forma as a tool, which considers virtually every possible input variable and calculates month by month profitability and cash flow, as well as annual summaries over a five-year period. The pro-forma calculates the initial investment, any financing needed, and helps you determine the payback period for your investment. HDS also works to determine the necessary size of the facility based on projected census, historical growth rates, and the number of stations required.


Any new business venture should include a business plan for articulating the “story” of the business (description, history, industry, competition, risks, potentials, pro-formas, etc.). Potential lenders will require a business plan. A strong, well written business plan will allow the business owner to obtain better financing terms, and could save many thousands of dollars in financing.


Most dialysis companies provide these services for all or most of the ownership equity. HDS will provide these objective resources on a fee-for-service basis so that you can make your own unbiased decisions, while retaining as much equity as you desire.


If your decision is to sell your program, there is a significant amount of administrative time associated with developing your “request for proposal”, as well as contacting and communicating with the potential buyers. It is beneficial to allow an objective third party implement these steps for you, and facilitate the best possible bid to maximize the value obtained from the potential buyers. In addition, an objective third party can help you identify the key criteria for determining the “best fit” potential buyer. HDS has knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of potential buyers and can help find a buyer that best fits your needs.